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Core Values

David's Christian Centre is a church committed to raising victorious people by schooling and training them through the word of faith into a life of 100% victory 100% of the time.

There are Four Core Values that form our culture and guide everything we do at David's Christian Centre;

DCC Core Values - Results


In DCC, we believe it's possible to have victory in every area of our life.

We have a strong covenant with God with the mandate that 'As David never lost a battle so will His walk with us be' hence our name. Because we know the Word of God works absolutely, we just don't believe in teaching the Word but in experiencing results in every area of our lives; spiritually, financially, academically, health, marriage, career. In DCC, we always win!

DCC Core Values - Real Life

Real Life

Because you are a Christian doesn't mean you can't enjoy your everyday life.

Life is real and Jesus came so that we might have life and enjoy it to the fullest. Being a Christian doesn't have to be boring. It is an enjoyable walk with God while having fun shared experiences with other people. In DCC, we are not just tongue-speaking, Spirit-filled Christians; we are fun-loving, down-to-earth, real people.

DCC Core Values - Reach Out

Reach Out

DCC is a family.

We love God and we love people and we believe in reaching out to others with the love of God. We are often involved in a lot of outreaches; reaching out in love and our DCC connect groups which help foster fellowship among us.

DCC Core Values - Right Living

Right Living

We don't only talk the talk, we walk the walk.

We believe that the Bible is the manual for us. We are not just Christians on Sundays; we live by the Word daily and place a premium on it because we know the Word works!