Caleb Church is a specialized ministry that caters for the spiritual and physical needs of elderly(Men & Women) above the age of 60 within our church and communities.

What we do
We are called to minister and assist elders in getting actively engaged in doing ministry and serving their generation.
Why we do
We are convinced that elders within our church and community can still make an impact and live their dreams, irrespective of their age. This ministry gives elders the platform to find expression in terms of their spiritual and physical gifts, thereby creating a sense of fulfillment.
Our Vision
All Members living a life of victory in Spirit, Body & Soul
Our Mission
I’m just as strong today as I was when I was 40 years (the day Moses sent me out). My strength then was as my strength is now, whether for war or for everyday activities...Joshua 14:11 (CEB)

Hosting of Monthly Caleb meetings every last Saturday of the month
Organising weekly bible study services every other Saturday
Routine Health and fitness checks
Weekly calls and visitations to the elders
Monthly Birthday celebration and shoutouts
Financial assistance & Welfare
Prayer & counselling support