

Speaker : Pastor Gideon Mba

Date : Jan 8, 2020

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God is bringing His word to elevate you this evening.
-Pastor Gideon Mba

Gaining Momentum is God's instrument to cause a shift in your life. There's an anointing present to make you "go over" every Jordan and lead you into the promised land.

Get ready for territories! You're unstoppable. As God was with His servant, Moses, so will He be with you.

This year, your ears are popping open to hear what God is speaking over your life. You will enjoy clarity and divine direction.
Jer. 1:4-10

It's time to understand that God has called us to possess the lands He has placed before us.
We cannot enter this decade without knowing what God requires from us.

This year is a birth canal. We cannot have a church as usual. God is setting us up as that "invading" generation that is busy taking nations for the glory of His name.

Before the issues of life formed you into a personality, God gave you a persona.
Are you living by what God has said about you?

Before you gain momentum, you need to get on your mark.
You need to prepare to take up the assignment God has given you because God has chosen you and you have an identity in Him.

When you have an identity crisis, you are not set on your mark.
Your mark is your root in God. It is your place of identity in Christ.

You are not what the media, people and the world call you. You are who God has called you.
Do you know who you are?

Every one of us is a distinct image of God. When you get on your mark, you realize that no one is your "mate". You stop competing with people and trust God's unique plan for your life.

As you gain momentum, ensure you're not running on another man's lane.
Get on your own path.
You're not defined by the world.

Stay with the encounters God has given you.
Before you were born, God sanctified you (set you apart). You are not like every other person. God has differentiated you for His purpose.
Jer. 1:5

Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish.
Psalm 92:13

Are you set in God's house or are you a once-in-a-while member of God's household?

When God has a MANDATE, He prepares the man and sets a date. Get set for the appointed time of the Lord.

To be S. E. T is to be "Supernaturally Empowered To"
Are you set?

As a priest, you experience God. As a prophet, you can direct people into the mind of God. God has ordained you as a priest and prophet.

When you fellowship with God in your priestly capacity, you become a solution to your generation in your prophetic capacity.

Our fathers took cities as one man. We're taking nations as an army!

You have the anointing of God over you to work signs and wonders.
Mark 16:17

Go in the might of God's word and take territories!
See you tomorrow.

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