
How To Prosper This Year Part 1A Mainland

Speaker : Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo

Date : Jan 3, 2021

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Welcome to the first Sunday of the year 2021.

God’s word has gone forth for us and we will not miss it.

Ministering: Pastor Kingsley
Text: Luke 6:21

This year we will have the kind of testimonies that will not only cause us to laugh, but will cause people around us to laugh with us.

The word of God works for whoever is willing to apply it & act in faith.

There is no general suffering neither is there general enjoyment. God will deal with people personally.

We mustn’t be attached to channels instead we must be attached to the source which is God.

How will you prosper this year? Joshua 1:8
The key to being prosperous is by starting with God, knowing His word and applying it.
Exodus 19:4-5 - Obedience is the key to laughter.

Hebrews 2:1-2 - The things of God can be very slippery so we must hold on tightly to them.

We have to constantly pray for our heart, that it will be receptive to the word of God.

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