
Out of Eden Part 2

Speaker : Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo

Date : Mar 8, 2020

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Topic: Out of Eden part 2

Your reality must always be what God is saying over your life, not what the economy is saying.

Be careful of what you accept as normal.

There is a tendency for what you accept as normal, to begin to manifest in your life.

Hold on to the word God has spoken. Don't get so comfortable with the life outside Eden.

God promised to take care of all of his children. And that is what we should hold on to.
2 Corinthians 1:20.

There will be hardship and it will get worse with time.
Matthew 24:6.
The earlier we focus on God’s promises better our life will turn out.

Everything God is ever going to say, He has said in His word. There's not going to be a special announcement. We are in the last days and we should always live prepared.
Luke 16:29-31.

Eden was God's plan for us. A place where we don't struggle. Where he takes care of our everyday needs.

Hebrews 11:5
Everybody gets humbled at death. It's the fear of reconciliation.

What you are focusing on matters. It affects your reality.

If you can open your heart to receive information from the doctor, why is it difficult to open your heart to receive the words God has spoken?

When you get into the Eden life, the normal will be suspended for your sake and you enjoy the supernatural.

If you walk with God, your life will be better. The country, the economy is too small to control the outcome of your life.

4 things about people that walk with God.

1. Be conscious of the person you are walking with. We must walk with him daily. Not only on Sunday. We must always be conscious that God is with you. If you are consistently stressed and worried, then you are not walking with God.

We should be more conscious about what God is saying, way more than what people are saying.

Hebrews 13:5
God is always with us. Always. We have to live conscious of that knowledge.

God will never leave you nor forsake you.

Guard your heart, be careful of what you feed on, lest fear enters your heart and you begin to focus on it and act on it.

2. When you walk with someone, you talk and interact with them.

You ask them per time about what you need to do. God is not a charm or a magician. We need to have a relationship with him. Not just on Sunday.

How is your prayer life? Talk to God... ask him questions, in small decisions and big decisions.

If you are lacking, if you are broke, talk to God. He will show you what you need to do. It's not every business you get into, irrespective of how prosperous it is.

Not everybody will run a business. Some people will work in a company, work for someone, that is where their prosperity will come from. So we need to talk to God.

3. You must know where the person you are walking with is going... you need to hear God about issues concerning your life.

You have not logged into God until he begins to speak to you.

4. You need to keep pace with the person you are walking with...

You need to hear God. You pray and you listen and then you get a word, or you get your peace.

You cannot come out of prayer and still be troubled.
Phil 4:6-7.
John 14:27.
When you connect with God, you come out with confidence.

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