

Speaker : Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo

Date : May 5, 2019

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Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo ministering:

The big 4 are four things that has been guaranteed to change your life.

Psalm 37:1 - 3 (KJV)
God's agreement with you, is not an agreement with your country. A lot of people have been too informed about the situation of the country and not their Faith in God.

Genesis 26:1 - 3
There was farming in the land yet, HE told Isaac to remain there and HE blessed him tremendously.

For every word of God spoken to you, all you need is, obedience.

Everywhere throughout Scripture, God has always kept his Covenant with individuals even in the midst of famine.

The secret to receiving from God is to believe God.
And when you believe, there are actions that you will take, based on the instructions He has given you.

Psalms 37:4-5

To delight in the Lord means to love the Lord and be focused on God. Then, God will put desires in your heart.

It is not you cooking up desires by yourself. It is God planting a vision or a desire in your heart.


The Power of Vision. What can you see? When you don't see something higher, you hold on to what you have.

Don't be obsessed with how things are. Be consumed with how things can be.

The people of Israel had no vision of the promised land. Numbers 11:5,

When you can't see a better future, you grasp what you have fiercely. The biggest thing God can do for you is to give you a vision.

God tried to change their picture by sending out spies to spy the land. He did the same with Abraham.

I pray for you today that God will open your eyes and show you a bigger picture of yourself in the name of Jesus.

The way you will know that you have caught a vision is that it will change your behavior now.

This is not a goal setting. It is a thought God gives you that is a little beyond your thinking. It comes from delighting in God.

Dear young girl, the day you can catch a vision that you will be a very important person, you'll begin to do and act differently.

Dear Mr. Loafer, the reason you wake up loafing around is because no vision has possessed you, and it's showing in your talk and in your works.

If God ever shows you who you really are, and will become, you will change your ways for the better.

Your vision is the divine picture that's painted in your heart. God's vision keeps you close to God because you can't carry it out on your own.

When you have a divine vision, you will resist temptation with great ease.

Psalm 37:5. See also 1 Thessalonians 5:24
It is God who will do it for you.

Depression is a product of a lack of vision. It is not about what you have or where you are but, about what you are thinking. (Your Thoughts)

Psalm 37:7- 15
Don't be anxious to do evil. Evildoers shall be cut off.

A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked.
Psalms 37:16 (KJV)

They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine, they shall be satisfied.
Psalms 37:19 (KJV)

Depression is a product of a lack of vision. It is not about what you have or where you are but, about what you are thinking. (Your Thoughts)

Psalm 37:7- 15
Don't be anxious to do evil. Evildoers shall be cut off.

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