
Youniversity Part 7

Speaker : Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo

Date : Aug 25, 2019

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Pastor Kingsley Okonkwo ministering:

The 5 Things That Can Make You Happy.

1. Managing what you have versus what you need.

You should go more on enlightenment than entertainment. Focus on edification.

2. Learn self-control.

You have a choice between self-control and no control. You can't do anything you like because some of them have repercussions you won't like. God put boundaries not to limit you, but to safeguard you. Else, you'll self destruct.

3. Self-centeredness and Selflessness.

The world system tells you to focus on yourself. Selfishness is our first tendency but doesn't bring happiness. Selflessness would bring you so much joy.

4. Worrying vs Resting (Matthew 6:25)

Most people's anxiety comes from worrying about themselves. Anxiety has got nothing to do with reality.

Anxiety won't allow you to receive from God. Don't worry about anything, pray about everything. (Philippians 4:6,7)

5. Purpose vs Profit.

God wants you to work for your purpose and not for profit. When you work for the purpose, you get paid twice. You must seek to find why you're created.

Don't confuse your career for your purpose. There's something inside you, yearning for expression to impact the world, don't let it die.

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